
Kodak vollenda 620
Kodak vollenda 620

Therefore, use as small a stop as the light permits, in order to obtain the sharpest pictures. The smaller the stop, the less the amount of light striking the film, and the greater the depth of focus. It is recommended that as far as the light conditions and sensitivity of the negative material permit to use medium stops (8 or 11), in order to compensate for possible errors in estimating distances. The length of exposure necessary varies with the stop used, as follows. The largest stop aperture is 4,5 the smallest t2. stops are altered by moving indicator (cl) uncler the shutter.

kodak vollenda 620

To decide the length of exposure requirerl for different stops, the exposure - table ' Besides the markcd spccrls between 1 ancl 1/roo For Time exposures the shutter does not require to be set. For all instantaneous speeds of L-tlruo seconds the shutter must be set by pressing the lever (f) to the right ar far as it rvill go. The delayedaction can be used for all speeds between 1 and 1/rooseconds.Īrrow just above the letter D of the worcl "Kodak". Then release the shutter by pressing lever (6) or the cable release. To use the delayeclaction device, set the shuttcr in the norrnal way by pressing lever (f) to the right, thcn press button (S) bad(wards, and press lever (f) still further to the right, as farĪs it will go. Between 'ltoo and lfzto seconds no intermediatc speeds are possible. Seconds intermecliate speeds can be given, as, for instance, Llz, or % seconds. The shutter is set by turning the outer scale-ring (a) until the exposure required comes over the little 10 G i r - e s e x p o s u r e so f 7, %, ' 1 ", ' l r o, , ' l r r, 1!ro, tltoo and 1/zroseconds, Brief Time (B) and Time (T). In this way it is possible to photograph oneself without the aid of a second p?.ty: The device releases the shutter about I0-I2 seconds after it has been set. The "Kodak Vollencla 620" is equipped with a "Compur" Shutter (Fig. The lens should be focu,sed on infinity for all subjects 30 meters and beyond. for instance, 3 metres, turn the lens mount until the figure 3 comes underneath the red indicator. The distance of the subject from the camera co.n be measured or estimated. The lens mount ist provided with a distance scale divided into meters. To open the "Kodak Vollenda 620", press button (4), where upon the baseboard of 8įOCUSING.

kodak vollenda 620

You will find it a good plan to form this habit right at the start it will save you from accidentally making two pictures on the piece of film, OPENING TTIE FRONT. Immediately after making each picture wind on the film until the next number comes into position.

kodak vollenda 620

The camera is now ready to make the tirst exposure. Pull it out as far as it will come until the catch (7) clicks into position. The camera is now reacly for the first picture. After aįew turns a warnittg hand will appear (FiS 6) go on turning slow-ly until you see figure L in the centre of the r,vindow (F-ig.7). Then close the bach: Continue turning the winding-key and watch the little red w-indow in the back of the camera. See that the paper is running squarely onto the spool (Fig. After the paper has been threacled on to the empty spool and the spool holder replaced, push in the windittg key and turn it round once or twice. The spool holder containing the ernpty spool can be liftecl up for easier manipulation, after the windittg lcey (3) has been clrawn out as far as it will come. Then remove the adhesive strip which encircles the spool, draw the protective paper over both rollers and thread it into the longer slot in the empty spool in the other lilm chamber. See that the worcl "Tc,p" on the red protective paper comes on the side opposite to the winding-key. 3, and insert the film spool clrawittg out the flanges slightly until the pivots catch in the holes in each end of the spool. 2.) Then swing the lower spool holder out of the spool cham-īer, as shewn in Fig. [)ressslide (2) situated under the carryirrgstrap in the direction of the arrow and 4 Itead this booklet trough very carefully before using the camera. If this is not done the camera may be seriously clamaged. POINTS TO REMEMBER The lens must be focused at infinity (.c ) bef ore the baseboard is closed.

kodak vollenda 620

Instructions for Using "Kodak Vollenda 620"

Kodak vollenda 620